
Viewport In AutoCAD 2010

is the perception of an object. So, to see the 3D objects can be seen from the front, side, or top. Or also can be seen in three dimensions by using isometric. In 3D computer graphics it refers to the 2D rectangle used to project the 3D scene to the position of a virtual camera. A viewport is a region of the screen used to display a portion of the total image to be shown
On AutoCAD, viewport can be arranged into multiple views so you can see the same object from different sides. Viewport it self can be set with a number of ways:

Select the View toolbar
Select Viewport Configurations

There are several options: single, two viewport, three, and others. For example here I use a set viewport Three: Right

If you see in the picture above, there are three viewport is top, front, and 3D. To set-Viewport, you can click on the viewport will be set and then select the menu View> Views
Next, choose one of the options viewport.
Point of view of the various sides of an image design is absolutely necessary for the presentation. It so because one type of images created with AutoCAD can be seen from various perspectives through sharing Viewport, either 2D or 3D images. Of some options you can try one by one to determine the usefulness of each of these options. You can create a single layout viewport that fits the entire layout or create multiple layout viewports in the layout. Once you create the viewports, you can change their size, their properties, and also scale and move them as needed. You can change the Viewport by selecting a type of display according to the image above. Viewport split is an attempt to simplify the illustration and design of the reconstruction process is being made​​. By using a viewport display, the image that we created can be viewed from several sides at once. Well done is how to display an object of objects with different angles using Viewport, good tutorial on how to use the Viewport in AutoCAD can be beneficial for all associates. 

NoteIt is important to create layout viewports on their own layer. When you are ready to plot, you can turn off the layer and plot the layout without plotting the boundaries of the layout viewports.

3D Cad Design Expert

Responding to business queries as and when they arrive has become really important. Organizations and companies have set up their own customer support services in order to meet with the upcoming consumer demands. Today, the companies, which respond to consumers, are considered more successful than the companies who do not respond on time. The organizations moving towards 3CAD system enjoy the following benefits of CAD:

1. High quality
2. Flexibility in design changes
3. Reduced prototype expenses
4. Rapid prototyping
5. Eliminating redundancy
6. Shift from traditional paper based work to electronic paperless one
7. Accurate output.

Design quality is greatly improved, human error is reduced and the need to rework is minimized with the 3D AutoCAD system. 3D design modeling significantly improves design value because it is a more comprehensive process than 2D design. Therefore, many human errors that can occur with long-established 2D design methods can be avoided. To get quantity data, using 3D design modeling is easy because items are represented as they happen. As a result, 3D CAD design is created as a true to life model because the 3D modeling design represents quantities with accuracy. As with 2D CAD design quantity data from 2D views is poor because other components are omitted and projections may show a component in several views. In view of the fact that 3D CAD modeling can be used to generate pictorial views, as well as traditional projections, there exists no need for the 2D prototype (as it was required in the past). 2D methods will always rely on human interference whereas; 3D CAD methods can be smoothly incorporated with other computer systems within companies.

Layer Dalam AutoCAD

Pada program autoCAD di kenal istilah layer, yaitu lapis gambar.

Yang di maksud Lapis gambar atau layer dalam autoCAD adalah perbedaan warna dan ukuran pada gambar yang di buat dengan tujuan agar gambar tersebut mudah untuk di baca dan di mengerti juga untuk mempermudah pengaturan obyek yang mempunyai karakteristik yang sama.

Dalam menggambar dengan autoCAD khususnya untuk gambar yang relative kompleks di sarankan agar gambar di buat dalam beberapa layer/lapis meskipun bisa juga di susun tanpa lapis.Seperti halnya kita menggambar secara manual dengan menggunakan rafido,tentunya kita butuh minimal 3 rafido lain ukuran bukan? Sebagai contoh Garis tepi dengan 0.5 mili,garis pokok 0.3 mili dan arsiran dengan 0.1 mili. Fungsi layer dalam AutoCAD kurang lebih sama dengan penggunaan rafido tersebut.

Ini adalah salah satu kelebihan menggambar dengan autoCAD,dimana ketebalan tiap garis bisa kita tentukan sendiri tanpa harus keluar duit membeli rafido di tambah lagi warna dari masing-masing karakter/garis bisa kita rubah, sehingga dengan mudah kita bisa membedakan karakter/garis satu dengan lainnya. Misalnya instalasi air kotor dengan air bersih atau arsir genteng dengan balok kasau.

Kita juga bisa dengan mudah mengganti layer apabila terjadi kesalahan pada saat proses menggambar sedang berlangsung. Tinggal klik ikon (seperti gambar di samping) pada object properties toolbar sehingga muncul kotak dialog Layer Properties Manager. Klik karakter yang hendak kita ganti,setelah berwarna lain tinggal masukkan data baru yang kita inginkan.

Jika layer belum pernah kita edit maka pada layer properties manager tampak kosong. Untuk menambah layer yang kita inginkan tinggal klik New (di kanan atas). Beri nama sesuai kebutuhan misal (arsir atau garis potong) Klik color untuk memilih warna layer, linetype untuk merubah garis ( sambung atau putus-putus), lineweight untuk ketebalan garis (misal 0.5 buat garis tepi). setelah selesai klik OK